heavily inspired by the works of teppy

Garden Beasts

JULY 20, 2024 @ 2:00 PM

I enjoy gardening, both for being able to see something grow in real time, having something to take care of (very good for depression etc), and the many many MANY bugs it attracts, both good and bad for my plants...

Today's beasts were:

While writing this, one of the three wood pigeons that comes to visit our garden came to say hi. Nobody has refilled the seed tray they come for because it's been horrible outside and I didn't really expect them to come face such awful weather. But, it has stopped raining for now, so they came to investigate, then left sadly when they realised it was still empty. I like getting visits from the wood pigeons. They're affectionately referred to as "Pidgeys", "Big Pidges", "Chunky Pigeons", and "Pidge-Pidge" by my family and me. I'm not used to having birds so close, in my own garden (my bedroom window looks out over it) because I've had pet cats for 16 years. But now they have passed away, we get little birds scavenging for bugs/seeds/fruits, wood pigeons, magpies, and maybe crows. It's nice. It makes me just a little sad, but it's nice.

*Big Goddamn Plant is what I call the trailing plant(s?) that grew in our garden. We threw a bag of seeds in the flower bed and all of us have seemed to forget what it's supposed to be. From research it's probably Nasturtium.

**We did see either a Small White (Pieris rapae) or Cabbage butterfly (Pieris brassicae) which seemed to have laid eggs on the Big Goddamn Plant, but I'm not sure the timings match up for it to be those eggs that hatched. It COULD be some kind of fly larvae, too. Will keep an eye on them to see what they grow into ^_^

- graham

CURRENTLY WATCHING: Atomic Shrimp (a very fun youtube channel that covers a wide range of topics from plants to fossil hunting to scam emails/websites)

CURRENTLY LISTENING TO: Paramore - Ain't It Fun, (in my mind at least) (it's stuck in there)